Frisco TX dentist shares how dentists can screen for diabetes

Why Should Your Dentist Screen for Diabetes?

Dentists Can Screen for Diabetes?In case you missed the July…

Your Dentist Can Help Diagnose Diabetes?

Dentists Can Diagnose Diabetes?Dentists diagnose & treat…
Frisco TX dentist shares sixth new taste - FAT

Is Fat Our New Sixth Taste?

Is Fat Our New Sixth Taste?Our taste buds identify five primary…
Frisco TX Dentist Shares Curt Schilling's Story About Chewing Tobacco and Oral Cancer in Baseball

Tobacco & Oral Cancer In Baseball

Curt Schilling Blames Oral Cancer on Chewing TobaccoWhile…

Dentists Do More Than Detect Cavities: Get Screened for Oral Cancer

Get Screened for Oral Cancer48,000 Americans will be diagnosed…

The Gum Disease Infection Connection to Overall Health

Frisco TX Dentist Shares The Gum Disease Infection ConnectionGum…
6 tips to keeping new years resolutions

6 Tips for Keeping Your New Years Resolutions

Making & Keeping New Year's Resolutions How are your resolutions…
Frisco TX Dentist Shares Why Red Wine Could Help Prevent Cavities

Could Red Wine Help Prevent Cavities?

Red Wine Helps Prevent Cavities?According to this article…
Frisco TX Dentist Shares 4 Dental Health Myths

4 Dental Health Myths We Can All Do Without

We are all guilty of believing one too many tall tales, but when…
Frisco Dentist Can Dentists Help Diagnose GERD

Can Your Dentist Can Help Diagnose GERD?

With the upcoming Memorial Day weekend on the horizon, we thought…